Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Setup Jenkins Server with Proxy Setting and Gitlab Integration Part 1

Jenkins Setup

Here are the steps which we need to configure Jenkins on a build server.
   1. Download Jenkins from https://jenkins-ci.org/
                - Currently installed version is 1.632
   2. Configure Global Security
a. Enable Security
b. Set to use Jenkins Own Database, and check the Allow user to sign up. [Required for first user sign up if not created already.]
c. Set Authorisation to Logged in user can do anything

Jenkins Proxy

e.      Signup and un-check “Allow users to signup”.
   3. If Jenkins is behind a proxy than you would need to configure it to have access to the internet. This is the part took me some time to figure it out. J

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Apple September 9 2015 Event – All you need to know

Yesterday Apple announced so much. Rather than writing multiple articles for each of the things announced yesterday I am trying to brief and give you the visuals from the event.

The crowd this time was huge, Tim specially mentioned the Apple Employees presence to the Event.

As Tim Cook did yesterday getting to the point straight way. 
Let’s start

Apple Watch

First thing announced was Apple watch. Apple watch new OS 2 is announced.

 New watch comes with new Faces

 With New OS comes new features
  • Time Travel – time travel is features where you can check the next day events.
  • Transit is added to the Maps.

Few Apps which were Demoed in the event
  • Facebook messenger is coming to Watch later this year.
  • iTranslate – iTranslate can translate update 90 languages and more will be added later.
  • AirStrip

 New Watch band with Leather strip.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Advanced JavaScript Topics Part 2

We were discussing the let keyword in the Part 1 of this series. We discussed what the advantages and how we can use let keyword in the code. However, let keyword has a problem it does not support hoisting, means if you have declared a variable using let keyword in the mid of the block it would not be available in the part above the declaration of the let keyword.
So you always make sure that let is declared at the top of the block.
As we discussed earlier let keyword kind of Hack the scope implicitly. We can always write the code to make sure when we see we can explicitly identify that this block is a scope. The example given the in the Part 1 of this series used the implicit way. To use the explicit way do it like this

function foo(bar) {
    "use strict"
    let (test = bar) {
        console.log(test) // "bar"  
    console.log(baz) // reference error

However, this syntax is rejected by the committee. we can use some other way to make sure we see the block scope in the code as we read the code.

function foo(bar) {
    "use strict"
    /*let */
        let test = bar
        console.log(test) // "bar"  
    console.log(baz) // reference error

This is one way to do it. Keyle Simpson have created this great tool to help you with block scoping it is called Let-er .

So, as we started to talk about tools you might want to take a look at traceur-compiler it generates ES 5 code from ES 6 code. As there is development going on in ES 6 you should start writing your code in ES 6 and use a transpiler to convert the ES 6 code to ES 5. You can use grunt-traceur . Other than this you might wanna take a look at the tools for ES 6.


Hoisting is a concept which is developed to understand how JavaScript works when we declare the variables and functions. Take a look at the code below

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Advanced JavaScript Topics Part 1

If you are writing Hybrid Mobile Applications than JavaScript should in your blood. So, I am trying to write something about JavaScript today.

Some Resources

  • https://github.com/rwaldron/idiomatic.js : It is a write up of idiomatic code that is widely accepted across the developer to write consistent JavaScript code. You may not agree with all the code which is there but it is a great place to start. There are couple of quotes written on the git page, which I like it is
         "Arguments over style are pointless. There should be a          style guide, and you should follow it"                
         Rebecca Murphey
  • http://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/ : This is one stop shop for design patterns in JavaScript and if you are going to write a clean code in JavaScript and Follow a Design to solve the problems in JavaScript you should go through this.

  •     http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/ : JavaScript is EEMA Script if you don’t know. This is the language specification and I am sure many of you have not referred to this. If you are referring to this means you are writing some serious efficient JavaScript Code.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

How to remove NavBar from Blogger Template

In Blogger we have NavBar at the top of the which gives us access to move around the blogger easily as shown below.

Blogger NavBar
It gives us access to Next Blog and there are more options to share the on different Social Networking sites and also to report as Spam.

However, you believe it or not it does impact the looks of the blog. We can remove the NavBar by editing the NavBar. You can click on Edit on the NavBar Widet and it open up the widget settings.

NavBar Blogger Widget Settings

This is hide the NavBar from the Blogger.