Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C#. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Authentication and Authorization with Azure Ad using Implicit Flow and Security Groups


The process of identifying is a process of identifying the identity of a person or process or device. This process identifies the end user and get the basic details about the user. This process only see if the user is who it is but has nothing to do with giving it access to the resources.


Authorization is something that decide what part of the system or resources an end user can access based on their identity.

So, I want to know how these things are actually implemented in the real world.

Fow now, I am aware of Microsoft Identity Platform, Auth0 and Identity server.

I have started looking into MS Identity platform and how to implement these different Authentication flows in real world.

I am talking about real world implementations, so it is better to point you to the some code that I have started to write to get these implementations done.

As the title of the article says, I have use the Implicit flow to authenticate the user. AzureAdSamples is my GitHub repo that will eventually evolve to have most of these Authentication flows.

There not much to explain here if you follow the document in the github and try to run the app with the changes suggested in the Git document, you should be able to run this app and see the content.

Let me know if you face any issues.

Happy coding..

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

3rd day with Xamarin

The second day with Xamarin was spent setting up the permissions and Azure build Pipeline to build the Android and iOS projects.

Today I am planning to do
  • MVVM in the app 
  • Setting up Dependency Injection 
  • Dialog Service


MVVM is Model-View-ViewModel and you can read about it on Microsoft website Here. It is an application pattern that allows us to build de-coupled components. I would suggest reading through the article to get a better understanding of  MVVM components before reading ahead.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

1st day with Xamarin

I started to create an app in Xamarin as I have been reading creating-mobile-apps-xamarin-forms by Microsoft. As a beginner, I can say that it has taught me well.

Today I thought to try and spin up a simple app using Xamarin Forms. Let's start from the start I will be putting up all the issues, bus, Environment Setup steps I had to do while doing it.

Let’s get started.

Few conventions

  • #: Issue faced and resolution

First I would suggest going through my friend Kael's blogs to get you started with the Android SDK setup. Few things which are important for Simulator.